What do I need to file a claim?

When submitting a claim, you will be required to provide documentation to support a claim.

For Team Registration, you can expect to provide the following:

  • Record/Proof of the Incident - Documentation to support the reason for no longer being able to participate - for example: medical documentation for an injury or illness, or at least one third of the team is impacted by an unavoidable travel delay.
    • If the reason is for a medical condition, each team member which is unable to participate must be examined by a physician within 48 hours of the cancellation and the physician must advise in writing that the affected team member not participate in or attend the event or activities.
  • Proof of your Registration - receipt showing your registration amount
  • Proof of Participation - copy of a roster or documentation from the tournament or event showing participation in the program
  • Copy of the program schedule - copy of the event or tournament’s schedule or calendar

You can go here to initiate your claim.